Hill City Elementary School

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Mrs. Nicole Weron » School Counseling with Mrs. Weron

School Counseling with Mrs. Weron

Welcome to Hill City Elementary School

COUNSELING is a confidential relationship which the counselor conducts with students individually and in small groups to help them resolve or cope constructively with their problems and developmental concerns.

LARGE GROUP GUIDANCE is a planned, developmental program of guidance activities designed to foster students' academic, career, and personal/social development. It is provided for all students through a collaborative effort by counselors and teachers.

CONSULTATION is a collaborative partnership in which the counselor works with parents, teachers, administrators, school psychologists, social workers, visiting teachers, medical professionals and community

health personnel in order to plan and implement strategies to help students be successful in the education system.


..Meet Mrs. Weron.....
Hello! I have been offering individual, small group, and classroom counseling classes to elementary students at Hill City Elementary School for 21 years. Some of those years have been spent serving the students at Hill City Middle School. I am the state testing coordinator for our school district and the student council advisor at the elementary school. My goal is to equip students to be able to achieve and succeed in school, relationships, and the workforce. 
In addition to my school counseling position, I own and operate my own private practice on weekends called Understood Therapy in Rapid City. I am also a therapist on the online platforms of BetterHelp and Talkspace. I have the opportunity to visit with high school students in our area when I proctor the ACT at the SD School of Mines & Technology. When I am not working, I like to hang out with my family and friends, love on my pets, support the Stevens High School band, read, and exercise.