Hill City Elementary School

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Mrs. Mindy Nelson » Welcome Rangers!

Welcome Rangers!

Dear Parents and Guardians,
         Hello, I am Mindy Nelson. I grew up in the Black Hills and have now moved back with my husband and 5 children. I am so excited to be teaching at Hill City Elementary!  This school had a huge impact on me as a child and I am so thrilled to be able to come back here for my dream job. 
         I taught at Canyon Lake Elementary in Rapid City, SD for 12 years before the school was closed in May of 2024. I have experience in Kindergarten, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade. I truly believe in meeting students where they are in their learning journey and building in the supports, structures, and skills that they need to be successful in the future!
         Communication is such a huge part of building a successful learning community for children! Please reach out if you have questions, would like resources, or for any concerns that you might have.  [email protected]
         Thank you!  Looking forward to another great school year!  GO RANGERS!